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Patient Identification


In an emergency, the implanted microchip will communicate with the medical team when you cannot providing pertinent medical information, which means:
  Immediate, accurate medical information retreaved by medical professionals.

Medical personnel are
   able to immediately
   contact your primary
   care physician and
   family members.

24/7 private and discreet
   patient identification.

Who is a candidate for an implanted microchip?
Anyone who wants immediate medical information, including people with:

      Alzheimer's Disease
      Coronary Artery Disease
      History of Strokes
      Seizure Disorders
      Pacemaker Patients
      Patients with Stents
      Joint Replacements

                     VeriChip Scanner, VeriMed Scanner
        Scanner by VeriChip



    Actual size of VeriMed MicroChip

        How RFID

The rfid microchip is inserted under the skin usually in the back of the upper right arm similar to receiving a shot. The procedure is fast and painless, completely undetectable, and done in your 
doctor's office.

-Your account profile is established at the time of the microchip insertion procedure and can be modified at any time by visiting the company computer data bank. You can add advanced directives, your photograph and any other source of medical information you desire.

-If an emergency should arise and you are brought to the hospital unable to communicate, the hospital personnel will use a special microchip scanner to locate your rfid microchip and access your unique identification number.

- The hospital staff can immediately identify you and access your complete medical profile for safe and effective treatment. The implanted microchip is always there to speak for you in an emergency.